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Crop Guide – Domestic Lawns


Soil Condition

A lot of lawns in both domestic gardens and in bush camps are on a clay which dries out very quickly after watering. – By applying gypsum at 50kgs/1000 m2 or liquid gypsum at 5lts/1000m2 you will improve your soil structure by reducing sodium build-up and increasing your Calcium & Sulphur levels in the soil. Gypsum provides accessible Calcium which flocculates clays in both acid and alkaline soils. A flocculated clay forms friable soil with improved soil structure and tilth which allows for deeper, healthier root development and water penetration.

You can also apply Kyno Humate at 2lts/1000m2 on lawns to modify your soil structure which on light sandy soils will increase soil’s nutrient and water holding capacity by coating sand particles, preventing high water and nutrient losses while transforming unproductive soils to rich soils by way of decomposition. On heavier clay soils it helps soil to loosen, creating looser crumbly soil which improves the penetration of nutrients, plant roots and water in the soil. It increases aeration of the soil, water retention capacity and improves soil workability.

Lawn Fertilization

Lawns, in general, require a basal top dressing just before the start of the rainy season. A basic maize compound such as Compound D can be used at 20kgs/1000m2. After the first rains a top dressing of Ammonium Nitrate or GreenGold can be applied at 10kgs/1000m2. A top dressing of Ammonium Nitrate or GreenGold at 10kgs/1000m2 can be applied towards the end of the rainy season to keep the lawn green through the winter. These top dressing must be applied onto dry grass (not after rain or dew as this will burn the lawn) and then watered in after application.

Pest Control In & Around Houses


To control ants around the outside of houses and anything such as wooden poles, you need protected against ants’ drench Fipronil. Mix 10mls per 10lts of water and drench mixture per m2. Wooden poles can be painted with Chlorpyriphos to stop wood borer and ants.

Mosquitos, Flies & Cockroaches

For control inside houses, lodges or tents mix 100mls Fendona in 10 litres of water and spray to just before the point of runoff, equivalent to 1 lt of mixture to every 20m2. Mosquito nets can be drenched with 4,5mls Fendona per 9m2 net.

Under the eaves of buildings and surrounding trees, you can spray Decis Forte mixed at 10mls in 10lts water. Trees can also be painted around the trunk of the tree with neat Imidachlorprid to prevent ant and other insect damage.